Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Creamed Chicken and Mushrooms

This was one of those recipes that lurked in the back of my head. "I know there's a recipe for creamed chicken that I haven't made in there somewhere." Well, there was. I even correctly remembered it contained cream and bought some. What I didn't remember until it was either too late or I was too tired to go to the store was, the second half of the title, to whit, the mushrooms. I made creamed chicken and mushrooms sans mushrooms.
I haven't made much stuff from this cookbook in the last couple of weeks due to a lack of what my son used to call hot diggity dog. This expression stemmed from my habit of exclaiming, when I found a check in the mail when I was a poor freelance writer and stay at home mom, "Hot diggity dog!" Once he learned to talk, he heard me and inquired, "We get hot diggity dog?" Well, the hot diggity dog has been a little thin on the ground, so I've been dedicating myself to making sure we eat up what is in our vast and disorganized pantry, and our less vast but equally disorganized freezer.
The chicken breast was in the freezer; I bought the cream, and all the other stuff except the mushrooms was in the kitchen. There was a quarter of a small bag of rice hiding somewhere in the refrigerator, and I forget what we had as a vegetable. Net cost of meal, $2.85 for cream. Disorganization index, down one chicken breast. Actually, we were down more than that, since my husband eyed what I thought was a chicken breast that I had taken out of the freezer and announced with distaste that it was what he likes to refer to as a chicken ass. The chicken ass was left to defrost with the hastily removed chicken breast, and then got deposited in the alley trashcan. (In the past, when I had more energy and not as much grumpiness, I bought whole chickens and cut them into serving pieces. The chicken ass went into the freezer, and eventually got made into soup when I was feeling particularly poor.

Creamed Chicken and Mushrooms

3 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons finely chopped shallots (I used onion and a good deal more than 2 tablespoons)
4 mushrooms chopped
3 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons dry sherry
1 cup chicken broth
1/2 cup heavy cream
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
2 cups diced chicken

  1. Melt the butter and saute the shallots in it until tender. Add the mushrooms and cook two minutes longer.
  2. Spinkle with the flour and cook, stirring two minutes.
  3. Stir in the sherry, broth and cream and bring the sauce to a boil, stirring until the sauce thickens. Season with salt, pepper, and the nutmeg.

Makes three cups, or about 2 servings.

1 comment:

  1. So - was it any good? When someone advertises something as "creamed chicken" all I can picture is the gelatinous mess we used to be served at school.
