Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cole Slaw with Capers

One of the many cole slaw recipes in the cookbook, this one from South Carolina. In fact, there are six recipes for cole slaw and four recipes for just plain slaw, and probably a bunch more for cabbage salad. In fact, you could have an all-cole slaw banquet. (One time, when I was talking about the theme for the Cub Scout Blue and Gold Dinner, my husband announced that the theme would be cabbage. For some reason, this sent me off into fits of laughter, and still provokes a chuckle.)
While we are on the subject, did you know that cole slaw dates from the 18th century, and is an Anglicasation of the word koolsla, or kool salade,  meaning cabbage salad.  It was eaten at the end of the month. Koolsla, from Ireland, of all places, was made of leftover vegetables and cream. You learn the darnest things from Wikkipedia.
 Anyhow, we ate this back in April along with the broiled salmon steaks. Blogspot has changed its format. (Who the hell asked it to, anyhow?) One can no longer keep one's posting at the date that one put in the title of the post. Although it might be possible to put in  more than one picture per posting. Which would be a benefit, if I could remember to take pictures as I work.
This is a coleslaw recipe. It's perfectly fine. I can't tell you anything particular about it. The diners ate it, but did not enthuse madly about it. neither did they spit it out in disgust. It being late April at the time, there were no fresh herbs to be had. I used dried, but fresh would have been better. Here it is.

Cole Slaw with Capers

1 small head green cabbage
1/2 small onion
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
2 tablespoons wine vinegar
3 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 teaspoon Tabasco sauce
1 teaspoon chopped fresh basil, thyme, tarragon, marjoram or other fresh herb
2 tablespoons capers
1 1/2 cups mayonnaise

1. Peel off the tough outer leaves of the cabbage and pare away the core. Slice the cabbage in half and shred it finely with a sharp knife. There should be about four cups.
2. Place the shredded cabbage in a large mixing bowl. Grate enough onion to make one or two teaspoonfuls and add to the cabbage. Add the remaining ingredients, using just enough mayonnaise to bine well. Toss and chill. Makes four to six servings.

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